[Semantic] 04. Web Ontology Language : OWL
2007. 6. 20. 12:59ㆍ.주제별/일반
- OWL Family Tree
- OIL : European language
- DAM-ONT : USA language
- DAM+OIL : EU/US Committe
- W3C 권고안
- DAML+OIL 에 기초를 둠
- RDF/XML 과 연속성을 가짐
- Formal Semantic - Frist Order/ Reationship with RDF
- OWL Layering
- OWL Full - OWL Syntax 와 RDF의 조합
- Very high expressiveness
- Losing tractability
- All syntactive freedom of RDF
- OWL DL - FOL fragment로 제한 (DAML+OIL과 비슷함)
- Maximal expressiveness
- While maintaining tractability
- Standard formalisation in a DL
- OWL Lite - OWL DL의 간단한 subset
- OWL Full
- OWL vocabulary을 사용하는데 있어 제한이 없다
- Classes as instance
- RDF style model theory
- Reasoning using FOL engines
- Semantics should correspond with OWL DL for suitably restricted KBs
- 제한적인 OWL vocabulary 사용가능
- No classes as instances
- Defined by abstract syntax + mapping to RDF
- Standard DL/FOL model theory
- 장점들
- Well defined 'semantics'
- Formal properties well understood
- Known reasoning algorithms
- Implemented systems
- OWL Lite
- DL과 비슷하지만, Fewer constructs..
- No explicit negation / union
- Restricted cardinality (zeor or on)
- No nominals (oneOf)
- Semantics as per DL
- Reasoning via standard DL engines (+datatypes)
- e.g., FaCT, RACER, Cerebra, Pellet