Collaborative Web Tagging Workshop
2007. 4. 5. 20:07
출처 : http://www.rawsugar.com/www2006/taggingworkshopschedule.html
09:10 -> 10:30. Presentation Session 1: Overview and Enterprise. (4 papers, 20mn each, total 80mn) 12:20 -> 12:30. Single Demo : 10mn 14:00 -> 14:50: Keynote: Rashmi Sinha, Tagging : From the personal to the social (50mn) 14:50 -> 15:10: Demos (2 demos, 20mn) 15:10 -> 15:30: Presentation Session 3: Applications. (First paper - 20mn)
WWW 2006, Edinburgh
Collaborative Web Tagging Workshop
Monday 22nd May, 2005
Contact: [frank AT rawsugar DOT com]
- 09:10 -> 9:30: "Position Paper, Tagging, Taxonomy, Flickr, Article, ToRead."
Cameron Marlow, Mor Naaman, danah boyd, Marc Davis; Yahoo! Research and UC Berkeley School of Information Management & Systems. - 09:30 -> 9:50: Fringe Contacts: People-Tagging for the Enterprise.
Stephen Farrell and Tessa Lau IBM Almaden Research Center - 09:50 -> 10:10: Collaborative Tagging and Expertise in the Enterprise
Ajita John, Doree Seligmann, Avaya Labs Research. - 10:10 -> 10:30: Onomi: Social Bookmarking on a Corporate Intranet.
Laurie Damianos, John Griffith, Donna Cuomo; The MITRE Corporation
11:00 -> 12:20. Presentations Session 2: Mining the TagSpace (4 papers, 2mn each, total 80mn
- 11:00 -> 11:20: "Automated Tag Clustering: Improving search and exploration in the tag space."
Grigory Begelman, Philipp Keller, Frank Smadja; Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Citrin Informatik GmbH and RawSugar. - 11:20 -> 11:40: "Towards the Semantic Web: Collaborative Tag Suggestions."
Zhichen Xu, Yun Fu, Jianchang Mao, and Difu Su; Yahoo! Inc. - 11:40 -> 12:00: "Integrating Collaborative Tagging and Emergent Semantics for Image Retrieval."
Melanie Aurnhammer, Luc Steels, Peter Hanappe; Sony Computer Science Laboratory Paris and University of Brussels (VUB). - 12:00 -> 12:20: "Inducing Ontology from Flickr Tags."
Patrick Schmitz University of California, Berkeley and Yahoo! Research, Berkeley.
- Tag-Based Navigation for Peer-to-Peer Wikipedia; Jenneke Fokker, Johan Pouwelse and Wray Buntine; Departments of Industrial Design and Computer Sciences Delft University of Technology The Netherlands and Department of Computer Science, Helsinki Institute of Information Technology
- 14:50 -> 15:00: Tressel: Semantic markup of RSS feeds
Brian McLernon Nicholas Kushmerick, School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin, Ireland - 15:00 -> 15:10: Implicit Tagging using Donated Bookmarks
Ben Markines, Lubomira Stoilova, and Filippo Menczer; Department of Computer Science, School of Informatics, Indiana University
- 15:10 -> 15:30: Tagging the physical world
Yoelle S. Maarek, Natalia Marmasse, Yaakov Navon, Vova Soroka, Google and IBM Haifa Research Lab
16:00 -> 17:00: Presentation Session 3: Applications. (Last 3 papers, 60mn)
- 16:00 -> 16:20: Foragr: Collaboratively Tagged Photographs and Social Information Visualization
Brian M. Dennis, EECS Department and New Media Program Northwestern University - 16:20 -> 16:40: Investigating social tagging and folksonomy in art museums with steve.museum
Jennifer Trant, Bruce Wyman; Archives & Museum Informatics, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Denver Art Museum with the participants in the steve.museum project. - 16:40 -> 17:00: Structured vs. unstructured tagging ? A case study
Judit Bar-Ilan, Snunith Shoham, Asher Idan, Yitzchak Miller and Aviv Shachak; Department of Information Science, Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel.