
Collaborative Web Tagging Workshop

쌈이 2007. 4. 5. 20:07
출처 : http://www.rawsugar.com/www2006/taggingworkshopschedule.html

WWW 2006, Edinburgh

Collaborative Web Tagging Workshop


Monday 22nd May, 2005

Contact: [frank AT rawsugar DOT com]

  • 09:10 -> 10:30. Presentation Session 1: Overview and Enterprise. (4 papers, 20mn each, total 80mn)
  • 11:00 -> 12:20. Presentations Session 2: Mining the TagSpace (4 papers, 2mn each, total 80mn

  • 12:20 -> 12:30. Single Demo : 10mn
    • Tag-Based Navigation for Peer-to-Peer Wikipedia; Jenneke Fokker, Johan Pouwelse and Wray Buntine; Departments of Industrial Design and Computer Sciences Delft University of Technology The Netherlands and Department of Computer Science, Helsinki Institute of Information Technology
  • 14:00 -> 14:50: Keynote: Rashmi Sinha, Tagging : From the personal to the social (50mn)
  • 14:50 -> 15:10: Demos (2 demos, 20mn)
  • 15:10 -> 15:30: Presentation Session 3: Applications. (First paper - 20mn)
    • 15:10 -> 15:30: Tagging the physical world
      Yoelle S. Maarek, Natalia Marmasse, Yaakov Navon, Vova Soroka, Google and IBM Haifa Research Lab
  • 16:00 -> 17:00: Presentation Session 3: Applications. (Last 3 papers, 60mn)